Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Beginning

Starting over. Again. I've been here before that's for sure, broken promises to myself about eating healthily, exercising hard. But this is it- I am turning over a new leaf, have started a new chapter and I am FINALLY going to LOSE WEIGHT so I can look good and feel great! Heard this before? I know I have, but all I can do is get on with it, and prove to myself that I am serious this time!!
So. I have a gym membership, and I will eat HEALTHY food, the biggest challenges I have to overcome:
1) Stop snacking!
2) Limit portion size
3) Stop being LAZY!

This is a new beginning, but this time I will not fail. 2010 will be a get fit year, a skinny year, a successful year, a happy year. For me :)

So, some basic info:

Height:173 cm (approx)
Start weight: 12 January: 73.25 kg
Goal weight: 68 kg (to begin with)
Weight to lose: 5.25 kg